Wake Up Leapfrog
Driving a tank down the road seems like a simple task, after all, tanks are mostly indestructible. However, the tank that you are driving is still undergoing some tests, so if you hit anything, you might end up destroying the tank and causing it to explode. The directional controls of this tank aren't working well, so you can only drive in a straight line. When you see an obstacle in your path, you can't drive straight through it, you need to make the tank jump by clicking the screen. Failure to do that will result in game over.
Non-Stop Flight
If you fly, you live, if you drop, you die. The rules are that simple. Once the game begins, you need to keep tapping the screen to keep the bird flying in the air. If you stop tapping the screen at any time for any reason, the bird drops down to the ground and dies. However, you can't just keep tapping nonstop, you actually have to tap in specific pattern to make sure that the bird can fly through the obstacle course with hitting anything that might cause it to drop down dead.