Sliding Santa
In Sliding Santa, you will help Mr. Santa slides through slippery, zigzag, snowy lanes in the middle of a beautiful pine forest to collect Christmas gifts for all children! This is a perfect Xmas game, but it's not just for Xmas: there are dozens of cool characters besides Santa ready to unlock, where some special characters come with a completely different world!
Gunslinger Duel
Are you ready for a relentless dullo in the wild west? The Musketeer Duel also needs to take great shots to get high scores. If you don't have a good shot, you don't have much luck. So focus very well and pray that your opponent is not faster than you. When you are prompted to shoot, you must shoot first, if you shoot before the instruction, you will lose your right and be shot. You have to be very careful to survive, because you have a chance. In this game, mouths shut up, guns speak!